AI Community Event for March

Join OIT, University Analytics, CRTLE and the Library for our collaborative AI event on March 18! There is an in-person and virtual option available.

11am-12pm – Introduction and Kickoff including updates on AI at UTA (Trinity Hall 105)
12pm-1pm – Pondering AI with Prof. Dr. Mark Coeckelbergh, Politics of AI: Exploring how AI is influencing our politics and economy (Trinity Hall 105)
1pm-1:30pm – Wrap-up of event and announcement of future events

Lunch and beverages will be served. Seating is VERY limited and we may implement a waitlist. If there is a chance you will not be able to attend in person, please register for the virtual option.

North Texas Symposium on Generative AI

UTA’s Center of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (CARIDA) is proud to present the Generative AI Symposium, an event designed to unite researchers, faculty, and industry professionals. The symposium will explore both the implications and applications of this cutting-edge technology, with a particular focus on its sustained momentum and transformative impact. Special attention will be given to how generative models can revolutionize learning experiences and streamline academic research.

Through keynote talks, panel sessions, lightning talks, and poster presentations, participants will gain insights into the latest advancements in generative AI and explore how these innovations can be integrated into their own research, teaching, and institutional strategies. This event offers a unique forum for exchanging ideas, showcasing research, and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration—ultimately building a stronger foundation for the future of AI in academia and beyond.


The UTA Center for Innovation and Digital Transformation will hold the 9th annual Business Analytics symposium on Thursday, March 6, 2025. The in-person symposium provides a forum for industry professionals and academics to exchange information and knowledge in the area of analytics and AI. This all-day event will feature tech talks and engaging panels with prominent industry experts, an exciting tech workshop, a student analytics competition and a networking happy hour. Come to learn and to network. Previous symposia were attended by about 150 participants with around 50 companies from various industries represented.

Date/Time: March 6, 2025, 8:30 AM – 7:30 PM (Happy hour @ 5pm)

Theme: Are you ready to implement the possible with AI?

Bluebonnet Ballroom, University Center
University of Texas at Arlington
300 W First St.
Arlington, TX 76010

Registration fee:

Parking included: 1 car/attendee.
Link to register your car and direction will be emailed to you.

Breakfast, Lunch, and Happy Hour are provided.

Speakers, Panelists, and Round Table Leaders:

Peggy Tsai – BigID- CDO – Keynote
Mike Buob – Sogeti    – VP
Pierre Gustafsson – Ericsson – Head of Global AI Accelerator portfolio
Vivek Gnanavelu- Safe Worker AI (Ericsson) – Founder and Product Owner
Jason Rorie – Triad Cyber Academy – Founder and CEO
Dr. Sridhar Nerur – UTA – Goolsby-Alcon Endowed Chair and Professor of Information Systems
Michael Prokopis – The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center – VP Supply Chain
Ashok Muttin – SupplyCopia – Founder and CEO
Mike Christian – From the Future – CEO
Daniel Windle – TrinityRail – Director
Dr. Jay Samuel – UTA – Associate Professor

AI and Libraries: Literacy, Ethics, and Responsible Use

UTA Libraries is hosting the first Library 2025 mini-conference “AI and Libraries: Literacy, Ethics, and Responsible Use.” It will be held online (and for free) on Thursday, March 13th, 2025, from 12:00 – 3:00 pm US-Pacific Time.

We invite librarians, educators, technologists, and thought leaders to explore the critical role that libraries can play in addressing both the opportunities and ethical challenges of AI. From encouraging digital literacy and ethical awareness to guiding the responsible use of AI, libraries are potentially at the forefront showing how emerging AI technologies can be used equitably and responsibly in their communities.

We will explore actionable insights to help navigate the complex ethical questions relating to AI and the unique role of libraries and librarians in addressing them. We will discuss practical strategies for integrating AI tools into library and education settings using ethical best practices while empowering users with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in an AI-driven world. And we’ll focus on how libraries can not only adapt to this rapidly changing landscape but can also act as catalysts for knowledge diffusion, shaping a more informed, and innovative future for all of our users.

Our special conference chair is Chad Mairn, an Information Services Librarian, Assistant Professor, and founder of the Innovation Lab at St. Petersburg College.

This is a free event, being held live online and also recorded. Register below to attend live and/or to receive the recording links afterward.
We look forward to gathering online with you for this event!

Please also join the Library 2.0 community to be kept updated on this and future events. 
Everyone is invited to participate in our Library 2.0 conference events, which are designed to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among information professionals worldwide. Each three-hour event consists of a keynote panel, 10-15 crowd-sourced thirty-minute presentations, and a closing keynote.

AI Community Event for February

Join OIT, University Analytics, CRTLE and the Library for our collaborative AI event on February 20! There is an in-person and virtual option available.

11:30am-12pm – AI: Critical Sources and Critical Voices (Trinity Hall 104)
12pm-1pm – The Butterfly Effect: Mapping AI’s impacts on society and the environment with Dr. Sasha Luccioni (Trinity Hall 104)
1pm-2pm – Breakout sessions for faculty and staff (Trinity 104 & 105)

Lunch, beverages, and light snacks for the afternoon sessions will be served. Seating is limited. If there is a chance you will not be able to attend in person, please register for the virtual option.

December AI Community and AI Speaker session announced

Join University Analytics, OIT, CRTLE and the Library for the next AI Community and AI Speaker session on Dec. 12 from 11:30am-2:15pm in Trinity Hall Room 104.

We will hear from psychologist and human-AI interaction researcher Dr. Marisa Tschopp about the blurred line between human and machine before breaking into smaller faculty and staff groups to discuss AI at UTA.

Lunch, beverages and light snacks will be served. The session will have an in-person and virtual option. Please RSVP before Dec. 10.

For more information about this event and other AI events at UTA, please join the AI Community on Teams.


  • 11:30am-12pm
    • Opening remarks about AI Community
  • 12pm-1pm
    • Lunch
    • Pondering AI Keynote featuring Dr. Marisa Tschopp
  • 1pm-2:15pm
    • Academic breakout session (Trinity 104)
      • Identifying and Detecting AI-Generated Work – CRTLE
      • AI & Research – Library
    • Administrative breakout session (Trinity 105)
      • OIT
      • University Analytics


Pondering AI November Event

November 7, 2024:  ‘Working for AI’ – with special guest Matthew Scherer

Matthew Scherer is Senior Policy Counsel at the Center for Democracy & Technology. He studies how emerging technologies affect workers in the workplace and labor market. 

Join us to ponder the ways in which AI impacts workers from on-the-job wellbeing to the labor market at large. Who benefits when productivity is the primary metric? Are AI models for hiring, firing, and evaluating performance really better? How can we deploy AI systems that empower rather than disenfranchise workers of all stripes, including educators?

Enroll Now for the next Pondering AI at UTA, 12 – 1 PM, Thursday, November 7, 2024! Attend in-person at Trinity Hall Room 205 or online via Teams. Enrolled in-person attendees will receive a light lunch and our guest speaker’s book: The Quantified Worker.  More about our speaker and tomorrow’s topic below. Enroll now to join the conversation!

Upon enrollment we’ll contract you for your meal preference. If attending online, a Teams invitation will be sent. Please enroll now. Thank you for keeping this important conversation going! Have questions? Please contact us at

AI Resources for Faculty

AI Community Save the Date

Are you a UTA faculty member interested in learning more about AI resources available to you?

On October 17, we will be joined by several UTA faculty to talk AI and how you can use AI tools in the classroom.
Join us at the University Center’s San Saba/Palo Pinto room or via Teams between 9:30am and 11:30am.

We also welcome you to join our AI Community Teams channel for discussions and to be the first to hear about any upcoming AI-related events. 

Explore Amazon AWS AI Options at AI Community Event

The next event for our AI Community is happening September 5, 2024. We will welcome the Amazon AWS Education Team to share their Amazon AWS AI option both in person and virtually. Join us from 9am-12pm in Trinity Hall 104 or via Teams

A tentative agenda is as follows: 

  • Welcome & Introductions 
  • UTA Strategy and Priorities for Gen AI across the institution (UTA)
  • State of AI in Higher Education (AWS
  • –Break– 
  • Data as your Differentiator (AWS
  • Proof of Concept Ideation 
  • Wrap up/Q&A 

Learn More

Please visit AWS Educate for more information on how to get started with AWS and benefits available to university students and employees.

We also welcome you to join our AI Community Teams channel for discussions and to be the first to hear about any upcoming AI-related events. 

UTA Launches AI Community of Practice Sessions

To help guide and assist UTA employees as we navigate AI technology, UTA has launched a community of practice, where we encourage you to learn and share information about utilizing AI.

We are excited to invite you to a hybrid AI Community of Practice session August 1 from 10:00am – 12:00pm in the Science & Engineering Innovation & Research (SEIR) building, room 194. This session is also available remotely on Teams.

This session is the first in a series exploring the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in academic, research and work environments. During this session, you’ll hear from faculty who are incorporating AI into their coursework and learn what is happening at UTA to leverage AI inside and outside the classroom.


  • Introductions
  • Prompt Chaining Techniques
  • AI Literacy Explained: What, Why, and How for Teaching
  • AI Speaker Series 
  • What are you doing with AI?
  • What is our community doing with AI?

We are excited to see you at this session and look forward to your insight and feedback as we navigate this new and exciting technology.